Midnight Rant
President Bush holds the old-fashioned, even archaic, view that what Europe thinks of us still matters half a damn. My one question is, why?
Can Europe lend us moral legitimacy in our struggle?
How about a helping hand on the battlefield?
Perhaps Europe might help shoulder the burden financially?
Let’s be real honest here, with ourselves and our allies. Europe, and NATO in particular, is about as useful as a miniature poodle on the Red Wing’s penalty kill line. The only difference is, the poodle does slightly less annoying yapping.
Old habits die hard, especially in an administration with as many old hands as this one. But telling a little rodent dog that he’s just as capable of guarding the door as a Doberman will do nothing but get you a robbed house and a dead dog.
Europe needs to wake up and realize that they’ve become impotent. And the current Administration needs to realize it, too.
UPDATE: The more thought I give this (or is that the brandy?) the more convinced I am that Bush’s minions have been spanking Europe’s ministers behind closed doors. That’s just his style. And nothing kinky, either.